Originally Posted by tokusatsufan
Well at least if men swallow vomit as well then it's equal! It's normally things like that happen to the woman! Was he like "OH NAW NOT THE BEES"?!
Occasionally browsing YT I find a clip from an AV of a woman being hypnotised but it's not really a genre,it just pops up here and there in films and it's always the man hypnotising the woman,whereas I'd rather have a woman hypnotise me. There's videos that hypnotise you on YouTube but if they're by a woman,they're very fail a lot of the time and never by a Japanese person. I've tried making some myself but it's easier if you're doing a text-only one with no voice and I don't know if I'd be very good if I tried to hypnotise someone in real life. Never tried it.
I remember seeing a bit of a Japanese programme, where the guy hypnotised women, & gave them orgasms by touching them. You refreshed my memory there