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ryuurui (Offline)
Japanese calligrapher
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Location: Tokyo
06-14-2011, 05:12 PM

this will require some disctionary searching, but on the spot the phrase goes:

(from top right、first line) : 秋晴の?い (not sure of i need to check it)
(second line): 三山
then in hiragana (possibly) では(?) or での, but kana is
tricky and i have to check it (plus it is a poem)
(last line), to the exteme left): 香 + (could be 小 or 火) した心(or 川 - they have very similar cursive forms, so i ll have to look at it closer, though i am pretty sure it's heart - 心)

Roughly it means that during a clear autumn weather (sunny day) i climbed a lot of (and here is an adjective) mountains (basically climbed all day) and my heart was filled with fragrance (of the scenery / autumn). If it is 川 instead of 心, the meaning will be slighlty different, as he would have been writing about river filled with fragrance of the clear autumn (day).

Now let me look at that sig. It reads green (青) something...looks like 旅 (trip... could you make a close up photo of that seal and sig?

Last edited by ryuurui : 06-14-2011 at 05:40 PM.
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