Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery
Sorry if it's not clear
What I want to say is "My job is (located) in Japan." I'm trying to describe the location of the job itself, not the fact that I work at said job. This is different from "I work in Japan."
Another example could be, "My apartment is in Japan." This is different from "I live in Japan," because I'm describing the location of my apartment, not the fact that I live there.
Personally I'm really struggling to think of another way of saying your job is in Japan.
Because the sentence 日本で働いてる for example, already gives people the location of your job.
I am only learning Japanese so perhaps I am wrong and there is a way to say the thing you want to say. But I really can't think of anything else to describe where your job is (where you work)
As far as I know, in Japanese sentences like "My boyfriend is in Japan." and "My job is in Japan." are expressed in different ways, unlike in English.
Examples being:
ボーイフレンドは今日本にいる (My boyfriend is in Japan)
日本で働いてる (I work in Japan - hence that is where my job is)
As a Japanese learner, the best sentence I can think of which isn't 日本で働いてる is something like:
However, as I said before, I am only a learner myself and this could be unnatural, or I could be wrong altogether.
So having said all of that, I will now step down and see what more experienced Japanese speakers say on the matter
I am sorry I could not be of any more help.