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(#894 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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06-16-2011, 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by Maxful View Post
Hi, I have a question regarding "確かめます" and "見ます/診ます" for the following sentences. I would like to know if all of the sentences are correct and is there any difference at all? I would opt for 1b and 2b most of the time. Not sure if I am correct though.

1a. 提出する前に答案用紙を確かめる。

1b. 提出する前に答案用紙を見る。

2a. 聴診器で田中の鼓動を確かめる。

2b. 聴診器で田中の鼓動を診る。
Both 1a and 1b are correct with 1a being better and more specific for the meaning. 見る is a highly general word and it should be avoided when you know of a better word.

2a and 2b are correct but they mean two entirely different things.
2a = You don't know if Tanak is alive.
2b = Just a routine medical procedure. Tanaka is definitely alive.

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