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masaegu (Offline)
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06-16-2011, 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
Thanks masaegu again for the reply

Now I have another list of questions :

a/ Can you tell me what the phrase お言葉ですが is used for? I still haven't grasped its meaning yet.
b/ In this context, セリフ refers to the lines in a screenplay, correct?

それはお姉さまが立派なエルダーになられたからであっ て決してそんな
To be honest, I can't figure out what this line means at all, although all the words are familiar to me. Can you give me a translation for it?

3. 途中まで一緒に帰りましょうか貴子さん
By 途中まで, does the speaker means to go part of the way home?

I checked wiki and found that アイアンショック comes from Iron King, but what is the girls referring to by the word?

Does the line この際シチュエーションは関係ないっ mean "it has nothing to do with this situation"? Or did I interpret it incorrectly?

Is 火事場の馬鹿力 a reference to another work? And what might it mean?
1a. It is used when you want to argue against a person with respect. = "Pardon me for saying this, but ......", "With all due respect to you", etc.

1b. Yes.

2. Your confusion is very natural. So many words are being omitted at the end.

"That is because you have become a great 'elder', there are no reasons other than that. "

3. Yes. You say it when two people are going in the generally same direction but have to split somewhere.

4. I am only guessing here. Though she said アイアンショック, what she meant was just ショック. She was shocked because the other girl mentioned her small body size as if it were important.
A play on word is my best guess.

5. It is saying that whether it is in a play or in real life is of no importance.

6. It is an idiomatic phrase meaning "Being unexpectedly powerful in an emergency."
People tend to exhibit more physical and/or mental strength than they knew they had at a 火事場.

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