06-17-2011, 04:23 AM
The earth goes through cycles. Warms up, cools off. It's on a warming trend currently, like all the other planets in the solar system. This is because the sun is going through a warming cycle. Can man enhance the effect of a natural warming cycle? Yes, The dustbowl of the 1930's shows man can effect the enviroment. However, the so called "green solution" won't do diddle. It would take 100 years to get rid of the co2 build up we have currently, and that's if we all moved back into caves. Some how I don't see China stoping to do anything about it, and they put more greenhouse gases into orbit than the US does.
Not to mention one volcano puts out as much Co2 in a day as all of mankind does in a year. So I'm not hugely worrid about it.