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(#902 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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06-17-2011, 05:05 AM

Originally Posted by dosu View Post
Thanks for the sentences they really helped. I was just practicing that grammar point. Would つもりだ not sound natural in this context?
No, it wouldn't.

「つもり」 is used to express your planned or intended action. It is the equivalent of "to plan on doing ~~", "to intend to ~~", "I will ~~", etc.

「今日はピクニックに行くつもりだったが、雨だったの で行かなかった。」 が = けど
「ペプシを買うつもりだったが、コカコーラがセールだ ったのでそっちを買った。」
「そっち」 here refers to コカコーラ. = "the other one". 「そっち」 is the colloquial way of saying 「そちら」.

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