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(#53 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
Fashion, Games + Art Mod.
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Join Date: Mar 2008
06-17-2011, 06:53 AM

Thanks hah~ And it's interesting to see other people had an affection with those jingles too~

Anyway, as promised a few pictures (couldn't include them all obviously but here is a few.)

This is from the flight, was a fluke really.

Purikura in Osaka.

Haul of the first day, a lot of these are arcade wins. I was really good at this one particular game, where you have to pull down a string and pull the prize out, so if I saw something I wanted I could just win that.

This is in Kobe~

Can you tell where I am?

We got drunk with some randomers, trolol.

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