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(#25 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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06-17-2011, 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by BobbyCooper View Post
I would say that the OP is right to some degree.

Especially Native Speakers from the UK are awful. Their accent is so complicated and out of this world, that I don't understand how some schools would like to hire them.

I would never in a million times do that. I would prefer a German Native, who studied the English language for several years over any other Native speaker.

Even most Canadiens and Americans abuse the English language with their terrible pronunciations.

But a well spoken American Native is of course better than a German Native. However the gap isn't that big and the grammer part most likely belongs to the German, if however the American didn't study his own mother-language.

PS: Can be applied to every Nation of course not just Germans^^
WELL I think you are crazy. grammar not grammer.
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