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(#48 (permalink))
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yuriyuri (Offline)
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06-17-2011, 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by BobbyCooper View Post
Oh they don't hate their accent, they just excused themself in front of people who aren't used to it.

That means something must be wrong with the way they talk right?

Americans never felt the need to excuse themself about not-understanable English.
hahaha - That actually made me laugh out loud!
They don't think something is wrong!
They are just being polite because the people who aren't used to it are being made to work harder to understand them.

I understand what you mean now, and I sometimes do the same thing.
I say something like, "Sorry about my accent" or "Sorry if it is difficult to understand me"
It doesn't mean I think the way I speak is wrong.
I'm just being polite

Congratulations on giving me my first laugh of the day
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