Originally Posted by BobbyCooper
The difference is of course the accent.
But you just said it wasn't about the accents:
Originally Posted by BobbyCooper
It's not about the accents Suki.. it's about the English language.
Get it together, mate.
Originally Posted by BobbyCooper
British people = very hard to understand
Scotish/Irish = almost impossible for starters
American = Easy
Ok, this must be so FOR YOU, but it IS NOT a universal truth.
Most of the people I know find British accents easier to understand because it's the one we learn at school and about 90% of the English teachers here are British. So for anyone who hasn't been under the influence of movies and American TV (kinda hard these days), British will still be easier for them cause it's the only accent they have been in contact with.
Maybe in Germany you get more American teachers than British (which I doubt), but in Spain people are way more used to the British accent and therefore find it easier to understand.
As for Scotish, the Scotish accent is somehow similiar to what would be a shitty accent spoken by a Spanish person with a poor level of English, cause they roll the r's and stuff, so not hard at all.