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Kayci (Offline)
The odd Gaijin :3
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06-17-2011, 09:57 PM

Originally Posted by BobbyCooper View Post
I have a brain and I can see!! That is making me biased for their lovely people.

And yes, I have met several Japanese and South-Korean people.

Also something like the exceptional crime rate doesn't lie! It's absolutely amazing considering the amount of people who live in this country.

My question to you guys..

why can't you see the siginificant difference? Are you all so brain washed already or filthy by the Western Society? It's frustrating for me that people even on a Japan Forum cannot recognize the significant distinction between these worlds.
Dude, I grew up with Japanese, and Koreans.

I am not as fanatical as you are. You are seriously close-minded. Yeah, cool, beautiful countries. Ugly histories, and some old practices are questionable.

Coffee prevents me from killing you.
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