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RealJames (Offline)
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Commercialization of Japan - 06-18-2011, 04:46 AM

I was reading another thread and Ryuurui said something that made me ponder on it;

Originally Posted by ryuurui View Post
[...] Japan is so commercialized that this movie may be a complete waste of time. [...]
I'm taking this quote out of context, so I'm starting a separate thread on the topic, and I'm not pretending to assume what Ryuurui meant by it.

What is your take on the commercialization of Japan?

I have met over 500 Japanese people in the last year alone, I always ask them what their hobbies/passtimes/jobs are and what their families are like.

There's a wealth of knowledge I've learned from it, but it's obviously a statistically biased perspective due to the context in which I meet them, they are inquiring about learning English. Please keep in mind, though, that this is an enormous demographic in Japan and does in fact reflect a huge part of it's society.

To me, based on what I've seen first hand, Japanese people seem to be most concerned with keeping the peace and shopping.

マンツーマン 英会話 神戸 三宮 リアライズ -James- This is my life and why I know things about Japan.
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