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JohnBraden (Offline)
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06-18-2011, 01:05 PM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
in my opinion

Christmas never had a strong cultural/religious meaning in Japan to begin with.

I imagine that part of why it was "imported" was due to commercialism, but I think a larger part of it was due to a fascination with the west, more specifically America, which persists to this day.

I can't really think of any Japanese holidays that used to have meaning but are now just shopping days.
There are tonnes of holidays in Japan and most people just consider them days off, and if you ask them why that day is a holiday, they won't know most of the time.
A lot of those days I don't feel were ever important.

Golden week is famous in Japan, but try asking people here what holidays make up the days off in golden week and you'll be surprised how few know!
Yeah, but that's not only in Japan. People don't know why they have a day off, just that they know they have a day off. That happens here as well with some federal holidays.
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