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06-19-2011, 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by tokusatsufan View Post
What subject?
Anything that didn`t have to do with Bobby and what he said.

i wanted to ask about using a phone. since my information tells me that using one on a train or a bus is prohibited. so does this goes along with privacy so others don't over-hear you or so you don't disturb them, or is it just so guys can't take photos of schoolgirl underpants?
They have made it so that the phones work even in the subways, and there are designated phone call areas on the shinkansen.

People just don`t *talk* on their phones in public. You VERY rarely encounter someone talking on their phone loud enough to be overheard, and even more rarely to the point where it is disturbing. (I think I can count the number of times I`ve seen someone obnoxiously loud on one hand.)
People usually just play games, check stuff online, and send mail. There are signs asking you not to talk on the phone, but using the phone is fine.

ETA; I suppose use on public transportation might be prohibited - to me "use" includes things other that just talking.

you know, their are people who can be left to die because nobody bothered to call and see if they were alright.

It happens here a LOT---------If nobody cares about neighbours or good friends then what use are they?
There is a significant difference between not attempting to contact someone, and just not dropping in out of the blue. I don`t know the situation with your friend, so I will not try to comment on why she has done what she has. It may have absolutely nothing to do with culture - there are countless reasons a person might become depressed or want to distance themselves from life for a bit.

It is perfectly fine in Japan to be concerned about friends. It is perfectly fine to call them up and check on them. People just don`t go over to visit out of the blue under normal circumstances. If there is some reason to think that something is wrong, then the situation is completely different. I don`t think that anyone would be upset about a visit from a friend who was honestly worried and had no other way to contact them (unless they were fine and that friend insisted upon coming in and "visiting".)

Never to call in case their house is untidy. Good friends Actually help and do shopping and clean if needed and help look after their friend or neighbour.
The key point is "if needed". If you are having a few bad days, would you want a friend to just show up and start "helping"? I most certainly wouldn`t even want my closest family to do so without an okay from me.

If one NEVER dare intrude even though they are worried- someone could be left in a bad way-- and even die.
I don`t think that anyone meant people should NEVER intrude - but rather that people just don`t show up to visit without contacting the person first. If there is reason to worry, things are different.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.

Last edited by Nyororin : 06-19-2011 at 12:58 PM.
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