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Kayci (Offline)
The odd Gaijin :3
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06-19-2011, 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
Actually having a foreign guest is really nice for them.

Being a good host, or just hosting, or providing a service, is a respectful position, and you are allowing them to exercise that position. Of course being a good guest makes it all the more worthwhile for them.

about the sorry's, I still get thrown off sometimes for the things which get apologized for haha
You would get thrown off for me. I apologize even when giving compliments.

I hope I do well. I have known their oldest son for a long time. (If anyone remembers my first post 4 years ago, he was the first boyfriend I had that was going back to Japan. xD)

I wonder what kind of gift would be appropriate though. I heard food specialty, and books are nice, but in my town, we are known for tri-tip, and thats...mainly it. (We grow pistachios and the county holds the raisin capital of the world, it claims, though.)

I have 33 days until I leave, and as it gets closer I get more stressed about what to get. I do want to make a good impression.

Coffee prevents me from killing you.
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