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Sangetsu (Offline)
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06-20-2011, 01:00 AM

Your polar ice photo is from 2003, you'll find more ice if you look at a newer photo. Coincidentally, the ice caps on Mars have also been fluctuating as well, I suppose those pesky Martians had best stop driving SUVs. For a period of time nearly two centuries ago, the Northwest Passage was free of ice. It is frozen over now. Funny that no one mentions Antarctica, which now as the highest ice levels recorded since measurements began being taken.

Last winter saw snow in all 50 states in America, including Florida and Hawaii, something which seldom happens. Here in Tokyo, snow fell 7 times last winter, which is 5 or 6 times more than usual. This is another reason why "global warming" was renamed "climate change". I love how global warming supporters explained that the record cold weather felt in many parts of the world last year was somehow caused by global warming...

As for the glaciers, some have receded, and some have been growing. Yosemite National Park and many other North American valleys were once glaciers.

More tellling may be the fact that Al Gore bought a multi-million dollar seaside home in California. He apparently isn't too worried about sea levels rising. As a controlling shareholder in Generation Investments Management (which sells "carbon credits" to weeboos), he is making a financial killing from climate change. Dr Pauchuri, head of the UN's IPCC panel (and is a railroad engineer, not a climatologist) also is a managing partner in India's largest alternative energy company, which stands to get billions of dollars in funding from dirty western counties if the IPCC gets it's way.

Last edited by Sangetsu : 06-20-2011 at 08:59 AM.
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