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JF Ossan
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06-20-2011, 04:42 AM

Originally Posted by Kayci View Post
My friends do, some members of family are a bit more open about it, yes.
I usually dont participate unless I know the person enough or can make jokes about it.
But in the schools here, you will hear of it being spoken. Remember in America, not one story accounts for all ^^
Edit; I mean colleges, before I realized Schools could account for it often.

Also I hear things on the local bus I can never unhear again.../shiver
I never said that all of America is the same, and that's why I said "in my corner".

I had a friend who was recently divorced, and part of the reason for the divorce had to do with fantasies he and his wife had. Sometimes fantasies should remain simply that: fantasy. Living out the fantasy eventually led to the divorce. He talked very open and frankly about it to me and most of his close friends, and I have to say everyone sitting at the table felt extremely uncomfortable hearing details about his sexual fantasies.

And remember: making jokes is a defense mechanism when something is uncomfortable.
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