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RealJames (Offline)
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06-20-2011, 04:42 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I think it is less cultural and more of a generational thing. For example, on Facebook people over the age of thirty average 200 "friends", but those under 25 average 1000+ "friends". Friendship means different things to different people. I saw you mentioned something about having 250 actual friends at home (I may be mistaken). I cannot imagine trying to manage or feel connected to that many actual people.

If you were to quantify my relationships you would see a lot of superficial ones, a fair amount of actual friends and a small number of truly close relationships. I can't really imagine having more close relationships than fingers.
Sorry for bringing this up again, I've been sleeping and working since you posted your reply. I think I go to bed when you start posting quite often ><

I'll just give some vague definitions of what I consider to be acquaintance (superficial ones), (actual) friends, and (truly) close friends.
To me,
- an acquaintance is just someone I know of by name and have hung out with a few times, someone who I feel could become a friend if I spent more time with them, or someone who I would prefer to keep as an acquaintance because I don't usually want to see them one on one
- a friend is someone I would help if they were having troubles, someone whose life I take an interest in, and earnestly look forward to seeing again, though I may not keep in contact regularly, when we see each other we pick up where we left off
- a close friend is someone for who I'd drop whatever I was doing, like leave work suddenly, and rush to the hospital if they got hurt. I would fly back to Canada for a close friend's wedding, not just a regular friend, unless it was convenient and lined up with other stuff, many birds with one stone kind of thing.

If a close friend got into something destructive, hard drug use or the like, I'd gladly spend most of my free time trying to help that friend, and take holidays off work to be there in the worst of those times.
For a regular friend I'd be there to talk often, and of course wouldn't abandon my friendship because of the habit, but would make sure that my own life didn't get drawn into it so keeping some distance would be necessary. It would keep me up at night though, thinking and empathizing.
I'd not think twice about an acquaintance destroying his life, more of an "is that so... shame, guess he's not invited to the party next month"

By those definitions, I easily have over 500 acquaintances, probably much more, around 200 friends, and around 20-30 close friends.
I know that I have a few more close friends and friends than many people by those standards by virtue of my having lived in many many places, Sannomiya is my 18th city. And that people who spend their lives in one town tend to have maybe a quarter that.

If what I wrote so far seems kind of usual in western culture, then so far so good.
I feel that Japanese people in the same age-group, will be surprised at these figures, and the definitions of the groups, they might feel like these numbers are greater than they've experienced in Japan.
I feel that Japanese people will be rather surprised at how often westerners spend time with friends, and the depth of conversation they have with friends.
I feel that Japanese people will be overwhelmed by how much westerners open up to friends, how honest they are.

I feel it's not uncommon for Japanese people to use tatemae with their closer friends, and it's expected with regular friends. Where as I expect it with acquantances but not with friends, and certainly not with close friends, that would even be insulting.

マンツーマン 英会話 神戸 三宮 リアライズ -James- This is my life and why I know things about Japan.
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