Thread: Tattoo
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(#38 (permalink))
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WingsToDiscovery (Offline)
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06-20-2011, 02:22 PM

Thanks for your replies. I asked the same question on Facebook to my friends, and I got like 3 types of responses.
1- "Do it pussy!" : From a couple of military friends
2- "I'm not sure" : From several foreign friends
3- "If a Japanese friend was going to get one, I would maybe tell them no and try to stop them" : From a Japanese girl

Another Japanese girl also said that her work checks for tattoos, although since she's gone through the screening process she might get one anyway. It was just that mainly my western friends were encouraging me, and my Japanese friends were kind of telling me no. Actually, they weren't telling me no outright, simply a kind of "It's okay, you're a foreigner" answer. And I can't stand that. So now I'm really not sure, and it's kind of conflicting because the tattoo itself has so much meaning but I guess that won't transcend the fact that it's still a tattoo in Japan.

I'm not a cynic; I just like to play Devil's Advocate once in a while.
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