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(#160 (permalink))
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ryuurui (Offline)
Japanese calligrapher
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Location: Tokyo
06-21-2011, 01:55 AM

Sex / pornography - as long as people are not forced to do it, I say let them do whatever the hell they want. One sells skills in painting, another in his own body. Besides there are those who enjoy shagging few times a day so why not get paid for it. Also, I agree with James, that sex is looked at differently here, not as a subject taboo, but as a nromal human behaviour. Influence of the Church on politics and people minds in general in Western countries really pisses me off. The couple ends up having sex under the blanket in a dark room, which leads to many sexual related frustration and tensions, then marriage issues and divorce or even murders. (If you read more about sexuology, sexual perversions and their causes, and influence of sex life quality over person's mental state you will know what i mean). And it is all because people are too shy to talk about it.

Dolphins - I think humans are the only creatures on Earth evil enough to kill for profit, and not because they need to eat. Karma will get them.

Roppongi - I worked in there for 2 years, so I will tell you from my own experience. Long time ago, that place was dangerous in a different way. I mean you could actually be stabbed or beaten up. Iranian mafia running around with long Kebab size knives under winter coats, Chinese mafia fighting with Yakuza, Cuban pimps and prostututes, Russian mafia selling drugs, etc. However, people acutally came there to have "fun", though I will never underdand why, bar were packed that one could not move, everything was well overpriced, and the whole place was really filthy (literally and metaphorically).

Today Roppongi is not as dangerous, however, drink spiking is common (drugs in drinks), credid cards frauds, champain business girls circling like hungry vultures, and money hungry Nigerians and Ghanians dragging you desperately by your clothes to their empty joint. Roppongi is deserted and dying (thank God for that), anyway in few years they plan to rebuild it from scratch, as they did with R.Hill and Midtown area (I believe that is how it is called). So, even I do not get how one can enjoy spending the evening in a smokey bar with bunch of random people drinking overpriced alcohol while mindlessly stearing at the TV screen, you can go and party. Just leave your credit card at home.

I never heard of any attacks on women there. Women are the sharks. Guys are main target as they are the ones who's ego is retarded enough to let them "impress" the ladies through buying a bottle of Dom Perignon for 350.000yen (zero'z are correct) hoping to be able to drag them to the Ibis hotel and shagg them. Little do they know they are being scammed. Girls have deals with bartenders, and their drinks are fake, not to mention that many of them are ladyboys anyways... Guy gets drunk, girls don't, guy's cc gets raped and the girls don't. All they do get is a cut from the bar sales, and the guy wakes up with 1.000.000 debit on his cc, headache and a mental jet lag.

sorry for typos, but i slept only 3 hours...

Last edited by ryuurui : 06-21-2011 at 02:11 AM.
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