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(#186 (permalink))
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mousee09 (Offline)
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06-21-2011, 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by ryuurui View Post
what you fail to understand is that we see it as lack of courage to say the truth to their friend, which in our eyes makes him appear not trust worthy. How can I realy on someone that can't be straight with me in casual situation. That is no friend, that is bs. It has nothing to do with being polite, but having no spine to say anything straight up. And this issue goes very deep in Japanese culture, along with "saying things around" as it is "polite", which creates more problems that you could ever imagine.
yeah i agree with your statement. I know that it part of Japanese culture there is nothing you can really do about it. but it still very frustating to have to deal with people like that.

I can understand that at first you do know the the person so it make since to not be COMPLETELY open with that person..that is just common sense i think. But how long do you go completely telling little white lies just to keep the peace with someone. If you dont really like the person enough to tell atleast SOME of your real emotions and thoughts then what the point of talking and being around that person.
I understand that it takes time to get to know someone but to always try to hide your emotions or thoughts from the person, your not trying to be a friend or future close friend at all that what i interpet it to be...

I dont know that just my two cents.

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