Originally Posted by JohnBraden
I'd like to know if there are any grammatical mistakes in the following sentence.
ここはおにわにおかあさんとはな子さんとまさおさんと いしょにえほんみてをいます。
I haven't learned many kanji characters, so if you would like to correct it, please keep that in mind. Thanks for any help!
What are you trying to say?
"Here is, in the garden, mother and Hanako and Masao with me looking at a picture"? "Mother, Hanako, Masao are looking at a picture with me in the garden"? "Mother, Hanako, Masao, and I are looking at this picture in the garden"? Do you even mean to mention "I" at all? Because you are implying it by saying 〜と〜と〜といっしょに as opposed to 〜と〜と〜はいっしょに.
I can, no matter what you're trying to say, tell you that you have をみています incorrect because you wrote みてをいます.