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(#924 (permalink))
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yuriyuri (Offline)
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06-21-2011, 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
にわにはおかあさんとはなこちゃんとまさおちゃんはい っしょにほんをよんでいます。
庭にはお母さんとハナコちゃんと正雄ちゃんは一緒に本 を読んでいます。
Should you not use 庭で here instead of 庭に, since they are reading in the garden?

Also I see why JohnBraden thought of using 見る as the verb, since he was talking about 絵本, not 本.
In Japanese, do you still have to use 読む with 絵本?
When I read JohnBraden's sentence I wondered whether 見る was correct or not since 絵本 is a word I have never really used, and have only really seen used with 見る as 絵本で見る~.

I mean, I would assume you can both look at and read a picture book (depending on whether the book has any text or not) but since I have never heard anyone say it, and have never said it in Japanese myself, I feel unsure.

Last edited by yuriyuri : 06-21-2011 at 06:06 PM.