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(#199 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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06-21-2011, 08:28 PM

godwine I hope you carry on with your project.

Talking about trust or lack of trust----------

I grew up learning not to trust anybody. I will not go into details but there was a good reason.

Even now I trust very few people.

I think we all do tell little white lies in order not to offend somebody.

I am rather a direct person-- and often will say exactly what I think-- but I would not want to hurt someone by being deliberately hurtful.

Sometimes silence or not commenting at all about something is a way out.

But it is not fair on a person to kid them that you will do something with or for them-- when you have no intention of doing so.

Learning to say NO can be hard but very useful so one is not forced to do something one does not want to do.
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