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(#202 (permalink))
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ryuurui (Offline)
Japanese calligrapher
Posts: 880
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Tokyo
06-21-2011, 09:36 PM

I have few really close friends, and as you said MMM, we do not need to see each other for years and nothing changes. That is a unique bond.

Godwine - holy cow that looks wicked! When I was 15-17 I was building the same thing. I absolutely loved it, especially the creating part. Man I woulod love to see your project in rl. Also, perhaps, if you need calligraphy for some buildings' sign boards, if time permits I could try to help. Lots of respect man, I know from personal experience how much time and patience it requires. Man, N scale is so tiny...Mine was H0.
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