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evanny (Offline)
devil's advocate
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06-22-2011, 08:12 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
***Native speakers and those who claim to be fluent, please refrain from answering. This will be too easy for you. 

Tell me in which sentences 「じゃない」 is being used for affirmative rather than negative. Do not hesitate to post your answer. Make mistakes or you never will learn Japanese. 

1. そのTシャツ、カッコいいじゃない!
2. ダメじゃない、そんな事したら!
3. ディズニーランドに行くって言ったじゃな~い!  

4. この車はオレのじゃないです。
5. あの人は日本人じゃないと思う。
6. なかなかやるじゃない!

7. アタシはそんな女じゃない。これだけは信じて!
8. 結婚してくれるって、あなた約束したじゃない・ ・・・
9. ジョンソン君すごいじゃん。日本語ペラペラじゃ ない!

10. 男は顔じゃない。ハートなんだっ!
11. おいしいじゃない、このクッキー。どこで買っ たの?

Vocab Aid:
車(くるま) = a car
日本人(にほんじん) = a Japanese person
信(しん)じる = to believe
結婚(けっこん) = a marriage
約束(やくそく) = a promise
日本語(にほんご) = the Japanese language
ペラペラ = fluent
顔(かお) = a face
買(か)う = to buy

I will be posting the answers in a couple of days.
1.Tshirt isn't good looking.
2. it is not ok, since (you) did "that" thing.
3. "iku.te" is like "iku soudesu?" then negative, like "she/he didn't tell that it looks like they are going to Disney land. isn'
5. i don't think he is japanese.
6. isn't easy?
7.she isn't like that..
8. someone received a proposal..but you didn't keep your promise.
9. Johnson isn't awesome. his japanese isn't fluent.
10. can't see ( he doesn't have?) a face because of the hat?
11. this takii isn't tasty. where did you buy it?

i have an exam so i am running late. i'll check up once i am back.
hope i didn't fail too hard.

or was this about like...aa. hard to put it into words. like when asked. but...ahh. i don't have time...ill tell you later.

Last edited by evanny : 06-22-2011 at 08:17 AM.
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