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godwine (Offline)
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06-22-2011, 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I've already spoken about this a billion times on JF, and it's exactly as above. If you had spent so long researching this properly you'd know you have next to no chance of being a game designer in Japan, the niavity of people is starting to irk me.
You know what else is the issue? People really think they can overcome cultural differences

A friend of mine tried his hand in Game development in Japan before, he was doing freelance (contract role) work for a while, but has been out of work for about 8 years now, for the last 6 years, he is guiding local tours for people from HK and China doing tour guide and translation work

The job market in Japan itself tends to hire Japanese if at all possible, because the cost associated with bringing a foreigner in. Then we are putting design work into the mix, work that is highly dependant on one's exposure. And to TOP that up, its the gaming market. Unless they really want to design a game in a certain non Japanese style, including the animation, the game play, the story, otherwise there is no reason to hire non-Japanese...
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