Thanks for all your help.
You can disregard the previous message as I've already uploaded my translation. This was the toughest song I've ever tried to translate.
My translation can be seen here:
YouTube - ‪Shiina Ringo - Tadashii Machi / "The Right Town" (subtitled) 【HD】‬‏
Do you think that you could look at it and tell me what you think? One part that's on my mind is in the beginning when I wrote "uncomfortable smile." I was thinking of writing "unhappy smile" instead. The other thing that I'm thinking about changing is where I wrote, "Little lies strung together filled our days." I think that "Little lies strung together were exchanged for a big lie" might be better. If you have a Youtube account, then it would be nice if you could tell me what you think over where my video is. If not, here is also fine.