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(#36 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Location: Inverloch, Australia
06-22-2011, 01:33 PM

The main issue for me in this whole debate is that it is not really a debate of the science. Probably 99% of the people debating have no idea about the science whatsoever. It is a political and social debate. The science is only being brought into question because it's conclusions have brought into question the way we currently live our lives. It is threatening some of the biggest companies on the planet and how we source our energy to live the way we do.

I mean we can see from most of the responses in this thread that most of you haven't got even a small clue of what you are talking about. It would be like me attempting to debate a controversial issue in say the neurosciences. I have no background whatsoever in any sort of medical science or biology or anything like that. It would be ridiculous would it not if I seriously attempted to tell some of the most respected neuroscientists in the world that they were wrong and I knew better than they do? Of course it would but this is what we see all the time in the debate on climate science from supposed sceptics. You see how pathetic some of the arguments by the sceptics are just in the last few pages of this thread. You guys have no idea whatsoever about climate science yet you carry on as though you've got it all worked out. It's utterly ridiculous and incredibly arrogant. I mean really it's just so laughable seeing you guys try and throw in some science (that you have absolutely no clue about) to try and justify your points of view!

Did you think the scientists who claimed smoking was bad for you were only in it for the big gravy train of research grants? Did you ever question their motives? Why are climate scientists supposedly these great villains? The science of global warming has been around since the 1950's but it was only once governements started taking it seriously and started talking about actually implementing some measure to reduce CO2 emissions that the science started being questioned by numbnuts like yourselves.

I think it's the biggest attack on the integrety of science probably since the days of Galileo and his great struggle against the religious dogma that would have had us believe the sun revolved around the earth. We are seeing an attack on science now not because of religious dogma (well not entirely) but mostly I believe because of economic dogma. We live in times where economic growth seems to be more important than just about any other consideration on this planet. People see policies to reduce CO2 as an attack on growth and progress. And however little they actually understand the science (which in most cases is next to nothing) they have decided to attack it to try and keep the status quo. It's as simple as that. The science itself is unaffected by the debate. It's only the political response to the advice of the scientists which will be affected. And that's democracy. I fully expect that greed will defeat the scientific advice. I guess I lament this so much because I love snow and skiing so very much!!

Last edited by GoNative : 06-22-2011 at 01:55 PM.
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