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godwine (Offline)
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06-22-2011, 03:57 PM

Opening up a new topic to divert some flame

Around standard of living and taxation

I have several questions....

1. What is the personal income tax rate in Japan?
2. What is the coporation tax rate?
3. Sales tax i 5% right?

The reason I ask this is, my experience of Japan is that its standard of living is comparable to Toronto Canada, I base this off of the cost of food and accomodation for the most part. An average application programmer here will make approximately 55-60K a year, after tax and stuff, they can expect to bring home approximately 35-40K, and people live comfortably with that kind of income

What is the average cost for transportation for someone that live in say Omiya (Saitama) and commute daily to work to Tokyo? I travel similar distance to work myself, and I pay an average of approximately 220 a month, not including the gas involved to get me to my starting station daily.

One thing that make it suck in Japan will probably be housing, 400K canadian can get you a decent townhouse around the Toronto area thats approximately 1400-1600 sq ft. I don't think 400K Canadian equiv will buy you spaces like that, not even comparable
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