Thanks Blutorange. I really appreciate your comment. I will check the and see what information they are using. There are many publications / sites that utilise incorrect etymology or sugest misleading mnemonics, which instead of being helpful with studying / understanding Chinese characters, are in fact damaging.
My articles are based on several calligraphy dicionaries, including two 篆書大字典 (one of them received the Imperial Cultural Reward), and 書道大辞典 published either by 角川, 二玄社 or similar houses specialising in calligraphy books, as well as my personal knowledge gathered during 10 years of studies of calligraphy under one of the most renowend masters in Kantou area. The most valuable source of information in my posssession, however, are fantastic and insanely detailed woks of 白川 静 who is possibly the most famous Japanese authority in the field of the etymology of Chinese characters. He spent his entire life on doing nothing but that, and lived 96 years.
I hope that the time required for the research of each character will not prevent me from posting at least 2 or 3 articles a week. Taking into consideration that this is one of many activities that I am currently involved in, it seems that I will be rather busy for next few years.
I doubt I will lose interest. Calligraphy is my passion job and obsesson, and so are the kanji. If die, I plan on reincarnating as a calligraphy dictionary