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ryuurui (Offline)
Japanese calligrapher
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Location: Tokyo
06-22-2011, 06:12 PM

I am a not sure if I am the best person to ask this question. I will try to be as little negative as possible. For sure there are good schools and great teachers, I met quite a few myself, but the education methods in general (browsing my brainfor a second) are not successful at developing individual thinking and creativity. 7 or 8 years back I was a guest at the University that "manufactured" English teachers, after which visit I understood why kids cannot speak the damn thing. It's very text book oriented, following ridgid methods and whatever teacher tells you is sacred (same as with a doctor - you cannot argue or in extreme cases, cannot even ask questions). If I were to send my kid to a Japanese school, I would have to attend some classes to see how they teach.

To the fees, yeah I know they are high, but public education isnt that free either. Lots of insane things to pay, that sometime do not make any sense (like a uniform for 70,000 yen). Ask the moms.

As I said, learning language is the least of the problems. I would not worry about that. Kids assimilate fast too, and Japan is not that inaccessible as it was 15 years ago. People are , but Japan isn't.

I am off to count down the second till my post gets bombed.

Last edited by ryuurui : 06-22-2011 at 06:58 PM.
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