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(#217 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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06-22-2011, 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by ryuurui View Post
I thought Nyororin was not Japanese.
And even if she is not a native speaker, her English is way too good for not catching this. I am surprised you didn't.

Yeah, man I was being sarcastic.

Aanyways, we have moved to taxes now.
So I guess my point was made clear. Westerners like to use honest and direct communication...except when they don't, for example when they use sarcasm. Sarcasm is saying the opposite of what you really mean (the opposite of honest and direct communication) but the LISTENER understands it is sarcasm and understands what you are trying to say.

Isn't this exactly what Nyororin was talking about with Japanese communication? Someone who understands the communication style will understand the truth behind indirect communication. Someone who doesn't won't. I have met many Japanese who struggled with sarcasm, as they can't understand the reasoning or humor behind saying the the opposite of what one means.
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