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(#218 (permalink))
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ryuurui (Offline)
Japanese calligrapher
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Tokyo
06-22-2011, 08:10 PM

Well deducted. I am used to use sarcasm with people that get it, and, since we speak in English, I thought that what i said was straight forward enough (even though it was wrappe3d in sarcasm). But no matter, from now on, I will not be sarcastic, I will just barge in and split the head open with a blade of the post's axe. You are splitting hairs, you do know that? You would make a great accountant.

I must say you are right with what you are saying about Asians in general and them not getting sarcasm. When I met my wife, she did not understand the abstract humor at all (based on sarcasm). She actually thoght I am an idiot (still, there are days when i wonder if her original diagnosis wasn't correct, lol ). Took her years to get it, and now she loves it. Ironically, she is even more direct than me, hence the affection.

The Japanese people do understand it, but I think only those who actually lived abroad. Though I agree, that it is not easy for them to "feel it". It is a cultural thing and can't be helped.
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