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Umihito (Offline)
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Location: Wales, UK
Question University Degree: Good Rule or Bad Rule? - 06-22-2011, 11:11 PM

Do you think the rule of needing a university degree to obtain a work visa in Japan is a good idea or one that's too strict?

I know there are exceptions like the Working Holiday Visa and 10 years experience, but it generally seems that a university degree is the main road for people wanting to move to Japan.

Do you think it's needed to keep time wasters out, doesn't make a difference, or should be scrapped to give everyone a chance?

I know that everyone preaches to people about needing one when the say about wanting to live in Japan, but I've never really seen if people actually agree with it or not. The closest I came was seeing someone saying how it shouldn't be needed, and how the experience is more important, and someone else even saying that no experience and no degree is better.
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