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(#220 (permalink))
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ryuurui (Offline)
Japanese calligrapher
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Tokyo
06-23-2011, 12:05 AM

This is becoming an academic sdiscussion that brings nothing new, so it is my last input. I do not think you guys really understand what i am talking about. Through indirect speach, even though you understand the message, you are not getting the full picture (you don not know why he is giving you indirect message that he wont come to your party, but you have no idea why, and sicne the culture forbids you to ask directly, all you are left with is rumors). That is the problem. Direct speach clears the air, indirect one creates fog. And it builds up.

And i really dont give as damn if you guys wanna talk in morse code, i don't do it and that is it.

I am an artist, I contradict myself while brushing my teeth. You don't understand the chemistry until you learn about it. Same thing here, lol...You do realise thsat sacrasm can be more direct than actually saying something directly. It has bigger impact.
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