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(#39 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
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06-23-2011, 07:50 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
I'm a Science Major Gonative and I'm telling you the whole GLOBAL WARMING thing is a sham. It's whole purpose is to deny the US and other Western powers the ability to maintain a 1st world economy. I'm sorry I have to break it to you that way, but's that's how it is.

Now you can disagree with me if you like, that's fine. But Global warming is far more about polotics and political agendas than it is about helping the planet. That's how I see it, and it's how I'm always going to see it.
If you're a science major then let's debate the science. What part of the science do you disagree with and why? What scientific papers have you read that have lead you to the conclusion it's all a sham? Or do you just get your science from internet blogs and the teachings of the church?

The science existed well before it became political and will continue even now that it is very political. The first scientific papers on the role of CO2 as a greenhouse gas were in the mid 1800's. To this date I have seen absolutely nothing to suggest that the science was fundamentally flawed in anyway whatsoever. The first simple calculations of the effect of increasing CO2 in the atmosphere due to the influence of mankind were in the late 1800's. Was is political back then as well? Was it political in the 1950's and 60's when the first Global Climate Models were developed and the first papers on the possible collapse of the Antarctic Ice Sheet were published? What about in the late 1970's when the US National Academy of Sciences report that a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere could lead to between a 1.5 and 4.5 temperature increase globally? Please tell me when did it all start to become political and the science not matter anymore? Right back in the mid 1850's?

I've seen plenty of political BS and pseudo-science and misinformation (from both sides) but the real science going on away from all that is what I'm interested in. I've already said that I believe mankind will continue to ignore the science or not do what is really required to avoid catastrophic climate change because of greed. I'm a little beyond caring about that anymore. Greed and stupidity seem to rule this world and it's only got worse in recent decades.

The science though still interests me. If you want to discuss it I'm more than happy to.

Last edited by GoNative : 06-23-2011 at 08:08 AM.
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