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(#15 (permalink))
Polar (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 309
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-24-2011, 12:11 AM

Considering the degree can be in just about anything it's not so much the subject BUT the fact you completed four years of Uni. That shows commitment, responsibilty etc...

Do I agree with it ? I don't know but it's not something anyone can change but Japan, quite simply if you want to work there there are hurdles to it like any other country, that is simply one of them.

Don't like or agree with it, well tough ! They don't care to hear your argument putting it another way if you weren't born in the US you can't be president of the US. It's as inflexible as that.

Japan views immigration very differently then most countries, it's not a question of fair or not it's their country and their rules period.

Adapt !
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