Ryzorian please show me a link to your assertion a volcano puts out more CO2 in a day than all of industrialised earth. I have already posted a link to a very recent study which found that just last year mankind produced 135 times the CO2 than all the volcanic output on the earth (you obviously didn't read it). I mean it's easy enough to say just about anything on a forum like this but it seems you denialists have great difficulty substantiating your claims by posting any links to the 'science' that has informed your opinion. Please show me what makes you believe that one volcano can release more CO2 in a day than all of mankinds contribution in a year. It's difficult to discuss that further if I have no idea of how you have come to that conclusion. Or do you not want to discuss it? Like to treat your 'science' like religion? You just believe in things without any proof whatsoever?