Originally Posted by RickOShay
Actually what the OP needs to do it calculate the amount he will spend traveling using this website: Hyperdia | 乗換案内 路線検索 時刻表 ゴルフ場 旅費精算 通勤費なら and then determine if he will save money by purchasing a JR rail pass.
Be advised OP though, non JR lines, like many subways as MMM mention are not included in the JR pass.. so calculate accordingly.
In Tokyo, basically, the rule of thumb is: if the train runs underground, it's not part of Japan Rail (JR). Out of the 13 or so lines that run in Tokyo, roughly half run underground. Of course, one won't know until they get there if they do or not, but a simple look at a Tokyo transport map online can give you an idea.
There are many apps out there for the smart phones now that can give you the best routes from station to station in Tokyo. Some don't even have to be connected to the internet, so you won't have to use the phone in Japan.