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godwine (Offline)
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06-24-2011, 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by RickOShay View Post
Well to give some contrast to this.. I eat breakfast at home, probably costing 120 yen a day at most, I usually teach at elementary school so lunch is 250 yen, and dinner is cooked by my fiance which probably does not cost more than 1000 yen (ten bucks) for both of us but an average of 750 yen i suppose (including energy costs)... so you do not have to live an 1man yen ($100) a day lifestyle if you do not want to. But as a tourist, if you wanna go cheap there are plenty of routes.. for one.. stick to convenient stores and cheap mom and pop places... I firmly believe that as long as you are not a pig you can eat every meal out in Japan for 600 yen or less, that includes tax and the non-existant tip.
LOL... but even if he does spend money on food, I will be very suprise if he spend more than USD70 a day... When my wife and I was there, our average was like 60 a day, some days we eat cheap, but even then, we still fill ourselves quite well.

I find Ramen and Yoshinoa a good way to fill myself with decent REAL japanese food on a low budget..
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