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Nyororin (Offline)
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06-25-2011, 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I think the key point is that, unlike marriage or a pierced tongue, it is not a decision that can be reversed relatively easily.
I think the big reason I answered "individual basis" on this one was that there are indeed cases of true GID (Gender Identity Disorder) that are present from childhood and can be verified. There is no benefit in making people with the disorder "wait" - it will only bring on natural bodily changes that, well, cannot be reversed.
Parents and doctors should be involved, things should be checked and verified, and if it is true GID from childhood - I see absolutely no reason not to go through a sex change at an early age.
It is when it is a fleeting stage that people should step back and wait. And it shouldn`t be hard to tell if there is a high chance of it being just a stage as it would not have been present from early childhood. And if it had only been a childhood stage, it shouldn`t last until early puberty.

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