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(#51 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
Posts: 1,126
Join Date: Jun 2009
06-26-2011, 04:07 AM

Why would I go read psuedo science such as you suggested Gonative? Those same brilliant scientists thought Negroes were "gentically inferior" useing "Science" in decades past..

Everything I told you about those eruptions I learned watching Discovery, Science and Learning channle. I suppose they weren't "real scientist's right? That none of the measurements they took mattered cause it didn't add up to what your "scientists" data did.

That massive CO2 eruption in Africa by that lake REALLY happened, it factually killed hundreds of people. Timbora still caused a year with out summer, go visit the graves of the thousands who died of starvation that year. Penatubo still caused the earth's mean tempature to drop a dagree. Venus is still a massive volcanically induced greenhouse. These are facts you can't get away from Gonative, these events happened...and in the case of Venus are still happening as we speak.

The only thing man can do is enhance the natural global warming effect as it happens, we aren't "causeing it". It's like pushing a boulder down a mountain..gravity has more effect than your pushing does.
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