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Nyororin (Offline)
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06-26-2011, 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
I don't think I should go into the graphic detail, but the surgery performed for changing from male to female requires fully developed genitalia and if done to early in life the results will be far from desirable.
I can`t speak for certain on the male to female bit, but when it comes to female to male - the earlier it can be done, the more natural and convincing the results.

Genital surgery is something we`re quite close and familiar with.

The best case scenario for female to male would be an initial surgery before the early puberty growth spurt, and then adjustments made during/after puberty as needed.

I don`t have any personal experience with male to female, but in hearing all the doctors talk - it certainly sounds like it would leave a much more natural result if the genital area is given the chance to grow with the body rather than be made after all the growth is done in that case too.

Disclaimer; Son was born with no penis or scrotum, and a half-depth pseudo vaginal depression below the urethral opening. We`ve seen all the options for attempting to reach the most natural genitalia in both form and function.

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