Hi shadow so pleased you almost died-- but why only ALMOST? why not finish the job.
you may find it amusing but when someone asks a question because obviously they want to have an answer-- why not give a correct reply.
I am in my seventies-- and not au fait with much of modern technology-- when I was first at school we still used slates.
Its not remotely clever to give a sarcastic answer just because you think you are so clever.
I don't know the name of apps that give texting opportunities in japanese.
I am not of the generation who grew up using computers from an early age.
No doubt all my grand children would know the answers-- but I was curious as to how feasible it is to actually text in japanese.
I suppose I wondered how to abbreviate the japanese calligraphy?
I had no idea what SMS was-- so just looked it up .
No doubt all young people know al about these things as they use mobiles constantly and have all the latest phones or accessories.
SMS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I just have an ordinary phone mobile--not a fancy item that acts like a computer.
Actually its all really incredible-- so taken for granted but almost miraculous.