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JF Ossan
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06-27-2011, 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
Funny thing is, I wonder if the girls I talk to "pretend" to be more traditional or if these "Caucasian" groups are just talking to a different group of girls.

Most of the girls I spoke with are not open to the idea of just getting physical with a Caucasian because they are different. Their interest are only in the mind and cultural difference

According to the people that I talk to, the ones that will just openly jump in the arms of a forienger are girls that get around enough that the local don't want to touch them, not even if they stand naked in front of them.....
Before the Internet and the shrunken world we live in things like blonde hair and afros really were things you could only see on TV or magazines. Now with the Internet and the sheer volume of foreigners visiting and living in Japan, the novelty of a foreigner has faded to the point that the girls that got excited about things like silky blonde hair are now in their 40s and 50s and beyond.
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