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(#15 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
06-28-2011, 06:07 AM

Well... I think MissMisa is onto something. I think it's more of a mental state than a physical one that drives people to do these kinds of things. That's not to say that there aren't situations where surgery can't be used to improve someone's quality of life.

I think there are a lot of kinds of surgeries that go on, and have gone on for a long time. I know a lot of people who get laser surgery for hair removal (guys and girls). I also always see ads in magazines for breast implants and fat removal and that kind of thing. Whenever I go to a mall, I usually notice a place that specializes in minor surgeries like these as well.

I think the point I'm trying to make is, there is and has been a lot more of this kind of surgery than this article gives credit for. Especially dental work... I was surprised to find out that some close friends had a number of false teeth at such a young age. As far as eyes go, I've heard of young girls "gluing" their eye lids like that. I think they might even have special kits for it... I'm not too sure. I know people also use fake eyelashes or fake bangs or partial wigs and stuff like that as well. I think wigs and make up might be part of the Japanese tradition at this point! I think surgery is just the next level of those things.

I mean, there is certainly practicality to some of it, isn't there? Why not get laser hair removal on your armpits if you are going to shave them all the time? It costs money for razors and it takes time... so it might be seen as an investment to some people. Also, if someone has a certain skin condition that they cover up with makeup, maybe fixing the skin condition is a better solution in the long run.

I just think that a lot of people look at these plastic surgery things too bluntly. It's not always about beauty. I don't think it's an entirely modern concept either.
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