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StonerPenguin (Offline)
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Location: The Goddamn Bible Belt
06-29-2011, 04:27 AM

Here are my questions, though please feel free to comment on parts you don't think are good in my above translations
奈倉: それを わざわざ 助けるように言ったのも 僕です。
And not incidentally, the one who asked you be saved was also me.
Where does 「それを」 fit in here?
奈倉: 死のうと思ってたのに 拉致なんかされちゃって ここで びびってる自分は 何なんだろうかと思って ちょっと悔しいとか思ったりして。
You were going to kill yourself (die) but you were kidnapped, which made you scared ???? and you felt mortified(?)
Does 「ここで」 mean "at which point" here? What does 「びびってる自分は 何なんだろうかと思って」 mean? "You who was scared thought what"? 「~とか思う」 means "you thought/felt something like~"? Also, Nakura says 「~たりして」 a lot along with 「plain volitional form + と思う」 in this dialogue. What do they mean?
でも 抵抗したら 死のうとしてた自分を 否定することになるから ここは 運命だと思って 素直に受け入れようかと 思ったりもして。
But if you fought back you would be denying the part of you that wanted to die, so you thought it was fate and compliantly accepted it.
Why 「ここ」and not 「これ」? And what does 「思ったりもして」 mean?
ひと言で言うと すべて見透かされちゃって 絶句してる君の顔が 見たかったから。
To put it in a single a word(?), I wanted to see your speechless face when I saw through everything.
Why does he say 「ひと言で言うと」? He definitely doesn't sum it up in a single word
ああ あくまで好きなのは 人間であって 君じゃないから。 ここ 重要。
Oh, the thing I love to the bitter end is humans(??), not you. That's important.
Does 「あくまで」 mean "to the bitter end" here? Again, why 「ここ」and not 「これ」?
自分は よくて な~んで 親が ダメなのか 考えたことある?
It's fine for you but your parents (???)
I think he's saying something like "Why is it fine for you to have secrets but not your parents?" but I can't figure out the literal translation.
奈倉: まっ 今日一日 君の気持ちが ぶざまに 揺れ動いたのが 見られただけで よかったよ。
Well, today (something??) thank you for letting me see you tremble pathetically.
Does 「今日一日」 mean something like "That's it for today?"

Sorry for the length! Thanks for reading

Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform?