Originally Posted by JohnBraden
I guess I'll jump in until a native speaker or someone much more knowledgeable responds.
In my little Japanese, I would say,"Linku o agete mo ii desu ka" or ィンクをあげてもいいですか。
Perhaps I'm just asking permission to give the link and not receive it? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!
Well, first, you can`t type "li" in Japanese because there is no "li" in Japanese. IME will give you the small i (ぃ or ィ) for it, just like it will for xi.
You`ll need to use ri to get り or リ.
You`re also right about your interpretation of what you wrote.
You can just say リンクを教えてください or リンクを教えてくれない?
As for adding someone to Skype - not everyone uses it, so I`d first ask if they use Skype too. Chances are, if they do and want to talk to you on it, they`ll bring it up. (Saves the chance of them being put on the spot if they don`t want you to add them when you ask.)